The New Neoxa — November Update

5 min readNov 18, 2022


Building Neoxa from the ground up has been an exciting and a wonderful experience. In just 5 short months, we have gained a lot of friends, a wonderful community, and countered several setbacks and challenges. The community support has been great in this journey.

Below we will go through the latest updates concerning Neoxa. If you are here for “wen” questions, don’t read further, because that’s not the reason for this update.

Since the start of Neoxa, we have always focused on the gaming industry, this was always the selling point and one of the reasons we could build a big community in such a short amount of time. In this update we will cover what’s coming to Neoxa in the near future, as well as business decisions made.

Before we get started on the business decisions we are currently making, we will talk about development.


Soon we will have a new developer joining the Neoxa team, our new developer will solely focus on masternode development with the assistance of current developers.

As mentioned before, masternodes will require 550,000 NEOX and will have to be hosted on a machine with at least 2 cores, 4GB RAM and 80GB storage. This will be the first masternodes and different tier nodes will be added at a later stage. After the implementation of Masternodes, Neoxa will be able to reduce confirmations on exchanges. Masternodes on the Neoxa network will go through a lot of changes and will ultimately serve to create a decentralised streaming service. This will create the second part of the the Neoxa business model.


While building Neoxa, we have released multiple games on centralised servers. We use actual server infrastructure from companies such as Digital Ocean, OVH, Sparked Host and others. There’s no hiding that Neoxa is not a cryptocurrency that’s focused on decentralisation. When starting Neoxa, the dream was always to add Neoxa to popular games that people enjoy and it was never to build our own game that people will never play. We knew rolling out popular games onto servers was never going to be easy. There will always be users that tries to cheat the system. This is something that we are getting better with as development continues.

As we have always said, if there’s something we wish to change to make Neoxa better, we will do it.

Changes will benefit gamers overall. Improvement to our game servers will be made by a new dedicated team for game server development. Requested features may now be made and competitiveness, leaderboards and achievements will be added on Neoxa Proof of Game servers.

The way gamers receive Neoxa may change, however, from a crypto stand point, not much changes.

This allows further expansion in the future where those assets can be used for buying in-game items or even a game server.

A couple of friends play on our Rust server and decide they want to host their own but also they want to have their own Neoxa Asset implemented where their players can purchase Neoxa to swap for the asset — this further expands what crypto is aiming for “mass adoption” and with this way we strongly believe that Neoxa has the potential to mass adopt for gamers.

The future of Proof of Gaming is to be inclusive of different countries, nations and platforms. We will expand onto the mobile market in the near future and more details will be given to this in a future blog post.

Neoxa as a business

After speaking to potential investors and future partners, we have come to realise our flaws. This is something that’s not easy to admit, but it’s been a concern for us since the start and we always knew it’s something that will have to change. A major concern for investors is gamers receiving thousands of dollars while not contributing to the Neoxa ecosystem. We knew this issue might arrive one day, and currently, it’s the only thing that’s been holding us back from receiving investments.

With that said, we believe that having gamers within the community has also brought exposure to Neoxa. This cannot be denied, but as a business model, it’s just not that viable. In the future, Neoxa Proof of Game games will be paid out in assets instead. These assets will be trade-able with Neoxa. The prices of these assets will be set by the community on the asset exchange.

A permanent 5% of Neoxa will be put up for liquidity daily for users to sell at a price equivalent to assets paid out. This will reduce the block fee paid out to the gamers. However, this will not determine the price of these assets. Anyone can buy and sell these assets. This will create the first fork of Ravencoin to produce assets with actual value.

Future block structure

While mentioning the new updates to Proof of Game and rewards. The future block structure needs to change. This is the final change that Neoxa will make to the block structure. After the implementation of masternodes, this is how the block structure will work. 45% to Proof of Work, 45% to Masternodes, 5% to Proof of Game, 5% to developers.

New exchange liquidity fund

Neoxa has secured the liquidity of $600,000 USDT and $20,000 worth of Neoxa for our next exchange venture. While we are still not able to reveal the name of the exchange due to NDAs, it is an exchange within the top 10 at least. Currently we have not received an estimated time of listing, however it is in the works. While we have hoped that this could be done sooner than later, we do not have a time frame for it.

Rest assured, we are here to stay and we will keep making progress, and yes, we will do what’s best in the interest of growing as a business and the community.


Neoxa is currently in the process to part with 1% of the development fund to bring more funding and a team of developers. This is currently in the works and currently not guaranteed. This will be a very large investment to increase development and bring more funding into Neoxa. More information will follow on the next update.

