Neoxa Full Node on the Flux Web3 Cloud

4 min readSep 30, 2022


Flux — The Web3 Cloud

Flux core values and ethos is the rise of Web 3.0 — By, and For the People. Evoke the power of corporations and restore it to the common people. The Flux Cloud is decentralized, based on thousands of single servers from all over the world which are all connected in one operating system. Individuals are the backbone of it. They are providing the cloud with computational resources via home-based bare metal machines or rented servers and get incentivized by 50% of the total block reward.

To this date, the decentralized cloud of Flux is supported by over 14,000 nodes all around the globe. Its total available computational resources are totalling over 98,000 Cores, over 270 TB of RAM, and over 6 PT (Petabytes) of SSD. A Web 3.0 cloud powerhouse that can be used to deploy applications in a decentralized, and censor-resistant manner. There are plenty of advantages of using Flux instead of traditional Web2 infrastructure providers:

  • All applications are redundant and do have automatic failovers in case of any outages
  • The Flux Cloud is agnostic to code language as it uses Docker Hub containers as on-ramp
  • The Flux Cloud automatically keeps applications up to date to the respective container
  • The Flux Cloud offers uncompetitive pricing

Enough introduction! Let’s proceed with the guide on how to run your very own Neoxa Full Node on the Flux Web3 Cloud in very few steps!

  1. We first need to head over to
  2. Once here, we need to log in using our ZelID. Available for us via Zelcore (Remember to use always the official links)

2.1 If you don’t have an account created in Zelcore, you first need to download and install the app

2.2 Next (mandatory for your wallet’s safety), enable d2FA on the App section inside Zelcore.

2.3 Now you can authenticate by clicking on the fingerprint button or manually by signing the message manually on your Zelcore Wallet with the ZelID App

3. Now that you are authenticated, head over to and look for the Neoxa Node App. You will see something very similar to this:

4. Do not put any other Parameters and Click on the Start Marketplace App, you get something like:

5. You can click next, or copy the Registration Message if you are signing the message manually from your ZelID App and then click next

6. Here you can click the fingerprint button to sign the request for the Application, or if done manually paste the signed message on your ZelID from the previous step

7. Now you get the monthly cost for your Application

8. Now you are provided with some payment info in FLUX. Payment is done through the FLUX blockchain in FLUX coins.

9. Send the payment for the app

10. You are done! We just have to wait for the dApp to be spawned on an available node.

Monitoring of your instances

You can head over to and in the “My Apps” Tab you will be able to Manage and visit you dApp instances.

Remember, your Neoxa Node is only subscribed for 22,000 Flux blocks which is for ~ 44,000 minutes so around one month. You will need to renew the payment every month for the Neoxa Node to not get kicked off the network.

  1. Click “Manage”, “Manage App”, and “Update Specifications”
  2. Leave all the variables like they are, Click “Compute Update Message”
  3. Sign the Message with the ZelID App and click “Update Flux App” after
  4. Click “Pay with Zelcore” to make the Flux Payment
  5. Voilà your Neoxa Node has been renewed for 22,000 blocks

Have Fun supporting the Neoxa Network with Decentralized Infrastructure!

Learn more about Neoxa at
Learn more about Flux at




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